
At Thornhill Primary School the safeguarding of our pupils is of paramount importance. Our procedures and protocols for children ensure that we meet the expectations outlined by the Department for Education in ‘Keeping Children in Education’ document.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

In our school, we establish and maintain an ethos where pupils feel secure, encouraged to talk and are listened to. Children in our school can talk freely to any member of staff if they are worried or concerned about something.

All staff, either through induction or training, know how to recognise a disclosure from a child and will know how to manage this.

We endeavour to work in partnership with other agencies and seek to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and other colleagues to develop activities and opportunities within the curriculum which equip the children with the skills they need to recognise harmful and unsafe situations and behaviours. Our policies and procedures outline the ways in which we maintain a culture of vigilance to help protect the children in our care.

Thornhill Safeguarding Team

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Georgina Mawson (Head teacher).

The Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads is Phoebe Gray.

Our safeguarding governor is Steve Mott.

The Designated Teacher for Children in Care is Georgina Mawson.

All members of staff are DBS checked and have had Level 1 Safeguarding training. The Designated Safeguarding Leads are Level 3 trained as is the SENDCO we also have ELSA trained staff.

All members of the governing body are DBS checked and have completed safeguarding training.


Child Protection Policy 24-25

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Prevent Duty Policy

Safeguarding Statement

If you are concerned that a child or young person is in an emergency situation you should contact the police urgently on 999

Useful links:

Action for Children Action For Children | Children’s charity | For safe and happy childhoods

ThinkUKnow CEOP Education (

CEOP CEOP Safety Centre

Childline Childline | Childline

NSPCC Helpline Dedicated helpline for victims of abuse in schools | NSPCC

Prevent Cumbria Cumbria Prevent Leaflet (wallet size)

Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership

Parents – Links : Cumbria County Council (

Alongside the above, children and parents can always talk to a member of our staff who will be able to support and signpost students to relevant agencies. We are always here to support.

Train Local, Teach Local