Thornhill Primary School Early Years is the place to be!

The Early Years is a vibrant learning environment for all children in Nursery aged children from two years and upwards, including Reception aged children. We offer children a wide range of multi-sensory activities which cater for individual learning styles. Our approach is a balance between play – child initiated and planned as well as teaching skills such as reading, writing and mathematics. Our aim to spark the imagination of all our children, offering excitement, awe and wonder from the second they step foot in the classroom.

We believe that we can achieve a high level of engagement, learning outcomes and mind- set towards learning through adapting our styles of teaching to suit your child’s passions. Your child’s emotional well-being is at the forefront.  We believe that a happy and settled child will be open to learning opportunities.


Our light, spacious classrooms are tailored specifically for nursery and reception children. The children move freely in the areas of provision, which have been carefully enhanced based on the children’s interests.  Our aim is to ensure we have a child-centered approach and that we meet the needs of all the children in our setting, we do this by utiltising the skills and expertise of our highly qualified staff. At Thornhill the pupils are encouraged to develop leaning skills as well as developing their knowledge of the world around them within a classroom that is engaging and full of possibilities.  Our pupil’s curiosity is encouraged and fostered in a caring, nurtured and supportive environment.

EYFS Progression of Skills