School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory for all children attending our school.  Our children wear their uniform with pride.

The uniform consists of:

  • Grey Trousers/Skirt
  • White polo shirt
  • Navy Sweatshirt/Cardigan
  • Black shoes

School Polo Shirts, Sweatshirts and Cardigans with the school logo are available to purchase online from our supplier One Identity.  If you would like information on how to register and place an order, please contact the school Office.


All children boys and girls are required to tie hair up when it is long enough to do so. This is for both health and safety reasons and to look smart and ready for school.

The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts. These include:

  • Patterns cut into the hair
  • Hair dyed either wholly or partly
  • Minimum use of guard 2 (6mm)
  • No tram lines.

On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are earring studs in pierced ears, but children must be able to remove earrings by themselves. Children must remove all jewellery during PE and games to prevent them from causing injury.

The wearing of any form of make-up is prohibited, this includes nail varnish. Any children wearing make-up will be asked to remove it immediately.

PE kit

Our PE kit consists of a pair of plain blue, black or grey shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt and a pair of black pumps or plain white or black trainers.

For outside sessions, a plain blue, black or grey tracksuit or warm top is recommended; plain blue, black or grey jogging bottoms or leggings can also be worn in the colder months.

In order to stop pupils’ belongings from getting lost, we ask that all clothing is marked with pupils’ name in waterproof ink.

School Uniform Policy

Train Local, Teach Local