SEN(D) is the abbreviation for Special Needs and Disabilities, this is used to describe a range of learning needs whether they be Physical, Intellectual, Social, Emotional, Cognitive or Behavioural. As a school we focus on the needs of the individual child.    We are proud of our support for children with identified special needs and we work closely with the Local Authority and parents to support our children fully.

Thornhill primary provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children. We try to ensure that the Special Educational Needs of children are identified early.  Our aim is to meet each child’s needs through high quality teaching, effective differentiation and support. If further support is requited, this support, for example, maybe a class teacher discussion with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) coordinator or an external agency such as an Educational Psychologist.  We will always communicate this with parents/carers.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding SEND please contact Mrs Andrea Commins our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDco) via the School Office.

Thornhill Primary School is a fully inclusive school and we ensure that all of our pupils are able to access all aspects of learning and school life during their time with us.

We provide carefully targeted additional support for children experiencing learning, emotional, behavioural or physical difficulties. We endeavour to enable these children to reach their full potential and increase their self esteem. We always put the child’s best interest at the heart of decision making and believe in early identification leading to the most effective targeted support.

Progress is regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure targets are met. We encourage close liaison with parents to ensure that they are fully informed of their child’s progress and we believe it is vital to work in partnership with parents. We also work with external organisations and act on advice and guidance to ensure we fully support our young people.

We provide all of our young people with a wealth of extra curricular activities and experiences.

The Code of Practice states that a child or young person has SEN if they have a’ learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her’

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.
There are four broad areas of need. These are:

Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Sensory and physical needs

Thornhill Primary school endeavours to meet the needs of children with Special Educational Needs. The following documents aim to outline how this is achieved, what to expect from the school and what to do if you (the parent) have a concern.

Please see our SEND Policy and our Local offer for more information.

Mrs Andrea Commins is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDco) please contact via the School Office

The Governor responsible for SEND can be contacted via the school office.

Click here for the full SEN Code of Practice SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years – GOV.UK (

Details of the Local Authority’s Local Offer can be found here.

Details of the School’s Local Offer can be found here.

Useful website links:

SENDIASS Cumbria – About Cumbria SENDIASS

IPSEA – (IPSEA) (IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice

Family Action – Family Action, Building stronger families (

Families Information | What is the Local Offer? (

SEND Information Report

ELSA support at Thornhill

Graduated Approach to SEND – Thornhill