I can hardly believe another week has passed since I wrote my first newsletter last Friday! Amongst many positive things, I was delighted to be part of the Good Work Assembly and I am looking forward to many more celebrations of the children’s’ hard work. It really is the best part of being a Headteacher!
We have had another busy and exciting week with lots of things happening in and out of school. A poignant moment came yesterday when we paused to take time to reflect and think about Remembrance Day. This is such an important occasion to mark and to always remember.
Next week is Anti-bullying Week and the theme this year is ‘One Kind Word’. We all play a part in caring for each other and looking after each other. Being kind is something we can all do every day. Why not join in and try to say at least one kind thing to somebody every day next week. Together, we can make the world a kinder place to be.
Miss Timmons
Acting Head